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Red Gate Farms - RV Resort

8.8 / 10

open now, until 18:00

Closest RV Park to Historic, Downtown Savannah, GA Family-owned and operated since 1931. Closest RV Park to Historic, Downtown Savannah, GA Since 1931, Red Gate Farms has been owned by the same family, giving our RV resort a touch of true, Southern hospitality on top of its stunning natural beauty. Within the property, you will find yourself surrounded by spectacular scenery, including centuries-old live oak trees, perfectly manicured and lush paddocks, glistening lakes, and other stunning aspects that makeup Savannah's countryside. Read more
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Popularity of Red Gate Farms - RV Resort

Red Gate Farms - RV Resort Social Media Popularity Score:
8.8 / 10
  This value is based on the number of visitors, checkins, and likes on Facebook in the last few months.
Most activity in April:
Red Gate Farms - RV Resort has a total of 5654 visitors (checkins) and 9683 likes.
20 reviews of Red Gate Farms - RV Resort. Average grade 4.5 av 5.